Elle Potter

mildly hilarious, exceptionally fun, and usually barefoot.

some people just like to say “salsa”

I challenged myself to a month of eating gluten-free, vegan, processed sugar-free, caffeine-free and alcohol-free.

At first, I didn’t think I would be able to do it – I imagined myself gnawing on leaves and crying over spilt milk that I wouldn’t be able to drink.

Luckily, I have a phenomenal nutritionist, Ryah. If it hadn’t been for the afternoon she spent in my kitchen with me, showing me how to cook things I’d never even heard of before, I would be famished.  Instead, I’m on day seven and feeling like a million bucks of energetic, non-gassy sassy lady.

My sister (the infamous eM) decided to join me in my eating-adventure. It makes it so much easier to cook when you have a friend to do it with… and when it’s someone that you can simultaneously have a ball with while barefoot in the kitchen and daydreaming about living on a tropical island someday, it makes it that much more fun.

eM hunted down an amazing summer squash and black bean enchilada and mango-black bean salsa recipe that we made together today while listening to some Brazilian and Salsa music and galavanting around the balmy kitchen in our swimsuits.

I’m the first to admit that making a change in your diet is difficult (this coming from the girl who used to eat graham cracker sandwiches filled with chocolate frosting for breakfast and a handful of M&Ms with a glass of eggnog for dinner), but the amazing changes I’m already experiencing are eye-opening.

Eat healthy and see what happens. I dare you.

You could even come over to my house for dinner sometime.

Couple cooking notes:  for the enchiladas, we added a spicy Spanish rice pilaf IN the enchiladas… for the mango salsa, we used champagne mangoes (holy crap, it was amazing) and also smooshed an avocado in with everything.

Bon appetit!

Posted in Juice Feast by Elle on June 7th, 2010 at 4:06 pm.

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