Elle Potter

mildly hilarious, exceptionally fun, and usually barefoot.


A few Thanksgivings ago, my cousin and I began a tradition of sitting down to write out our list of Gratitude.  Last year, I had the idea of writing Thank You notes to a handful of people who had so sweetly brought new breath to my life.  I never finished (or started) these Thank You notes, but I did go through my phone’s address book and text various “I’m grateful…” messages.  Many of the people I decided to text were folks I hadn’t spoken to for a long time, but the feeling of knowing I was putting it out there to those that I love, had loved and had nearly forgotten filled me with the most overwhelming sense of gratitude.

This year, I’m grateful for those in my life who roll their eyes at me when I say “I don’t know,” “Maybe,” “I’ll try,” or “I don’t think I can.”

I’m thankful for the kind of smiles that make my heart beat sideways.

I’m grateful for my first ever real-life voice lessons.  And grateful that the noises that are coming out of my head are finally beginning to sound more like music and less like quacking.

I’m thankful for gingerbread cookie scented candles.

I’m thankful for warm farts in the cold car.

I’m thankful for every tear I’ve shed in the company of those I love most.

I’m thankful it’s time to drink egg nog, wear sequined dresses and dance to Santa Baby on repeat while decorating the house.

I’m thankful for songs that make me cry.

I’m thankful for songs that make me dance.

I’m thankful for songs that make me think of you.

I’m grateful for bubble wrap.

I’m thankful for inner body bright – in more ways than one.

I’m grateful for fancy champagne and family dinner nights.

I’m grateful to be an Omie.

I’m thankful that when I called Roz the other day, she remembered who I was the second she heard my voice.

I’m thankful that my voice is growing stronger each time I sit down to write.

I’m thankful for all the little bluebirds.

I’m thankful that I’m continually in awe of the company I keep.

I’m grateful for my talented friends who are boldly chasing their dreams.

I’m grateful that I was able to spend the weekend sitting with Douglas Brooks.

I’m thankful for the color green.

I’m grateful for tall drinks of water.

I’m thankful for Lime’s frozen margaritas.

I’m thankful that I can collaborate scrubbing the toilet with mid-day dance parties.

I’m grateful for overwhelming cookie-baking-binges and for the emotional relief it brings me.

I’m grateful for the students who teach me.

For instance, a note a student slipped me today after class; “There is no control in life.  Wherever you go, wherever you hide, there’s risk.  People pay for control even if they have none.  Safety is the greatest risk of all because safety leaves no room for miracles.  And miracles are the only sure thing in life.”

I’m thankful for handmade “I Believe In You” cards mailed to my house.

I’m thankful for late night text messages, random I love you phone calls, and accidental Skype conversations.

I’m grateful for voicemail systems that allow me to talk for five full minutes.

I’m thankful that those I love, love me enough to allow me to listen to my heart.  Even if they don’t know the song it’s playing.

But I hope we get to sing together soon.

Posted in Uncategorized by Elle on November 25th, 2009 at 4:29 pm.

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